
The morning I went out walking
Under a cloudy sky
As I climbed up the street
The rain came pouring down

As I looked for shelter
Saw a broken shed
Now soaked in cold shivers
Standing in despair

I see a little thing
Looking at me
From a puddle by my side
I can see in his eyes
The yearning to be
Held close to my heart

So I take him in my hands
Just then the rains give into the sun
I let him down to go
But he wouldn’t let go
He is mine now

To Adopt….

Across the street lived a woman
Never a smile on her face
Living off what was given
By the odd passerby

Never knew her story
All Fragile and frail
Walking with her bare feet
Where to she goes, I never see

Then one evening
I see her fighting
With the men from the killer pound
In her hands I see
Too frightened to feel
A bunch of little ones

By the night, a knock on the door
I open to find her here
But she was not alone,
A little one’s eyes shone
Handing her out to me...

To Adopt…..

Give them hope when they can't find it
Take them off the street they hide in
Give them love where they can feel it
Show them you care so they believe it

So Adopt….

Written and to be performed  at the 100 Thousand Poets for Change 2014, this song is dedicated to Adoption and the wonderful work done by The Precious Paws Foundation for their support to adoption of stray dogs.